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The series is comprised of submissions made to the McDonell Commission of Inquiry into Electricity Generation and Planning in NSW.
The submissions take the form of letters and reports from interested parties, including industry, councils, government agencies, universities and community groups, on proposed electricity generation planning and reform.
The Commission was established on May 16, 1985 under the Energy Authority Act, 1976 (Act No.69, 1976) and produced three reports, the last of which was handed down on 30 June 1986. In this series, there are some submissions which pre-date the start of the Commission as well as Ministerial correspondence which occurred after the tabling of the reports.
The submissions have been gathered in folders which are arranged by sequential number. The folder covers feature the names of individuals and organisations who have provided documents to the Commission. There is a summary of the contents inside each folder.
Created: 1985-05-16 to 1987-06-02
Data time period: 1982-03-01 to 1987-06-02
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