Full description
The Energy Authority was established by the Energy Authority Act, 1976 (Act No.69, 1976), which received assent on 17 November 1976 (2) and commenced by proclamation on 26 November 1976. The Authority was comprised of seven part-time members. The ex-officio members were the Chairman of the Electricity Commission, the Chairman of the Electricity Authority, and the Under Secretary of the Department of Mines. Four members were appointed by the Governor including people with expertise in the oil, gaseous fuel and coal or nuclear energy industries and one member of the Labor Council of New South Wales.
The role of the Authority was
a) to carry out investigations relating to the location and the development, extraction, provision, transportation, distribution, conservation and utilization of energy and energy resources as it considers appropriate or as the Minister directs
b) to plan the location and the development, extraction, provision, transportation, distribution, conservation and utilization of energy and energy resources in such a manner as it considers appropriate or as the Minister directs
c) to assist, advise and make reports and recommendations to the Minister in respect of matters relevant to the to the Energy Authority Act, 1976
d) to acquire and dispose of energy and energy resources or operations connected with the location and development, extraction, provision, transportation, distribution or utilisation of energy and energy resources
e) to control, direct, restrict or prohibit the use or consumption or a proclaimed form of energy
f) to test gas quality, gas pressure, gas meters and similar equipment, and
g) to give technical and economic advice to country gas undertakings.
The Electricity Authority was abolished on 8 June 1979 (3) in accordance with the Energy Authority (Amendment) Act, 1979 (Act No.103, 1979), which received assent on 17 May 1979. (4) The role of this defunct Authority was added to the responsibilities of the Energy Authority. This included licensing electrical contractors and electricians; regulating the sale and hire of electrical apparatus; and setting standards for materials used in electrical wiring and in the manufacture of electrical equipment; and examining electrical installations, machinery and appliances to ensure that they were safe.
The Energy Authority (Amendment) Act, 1979 also reconstituted the Energy Authority to comprise seven members appointed by the Governor. The chairman and general manager was a full time member and the other members served in a part-time capacity. One member represented the Labor Council of NSW and the others possessed special knowledge in the relevant industries of electricity, mining, oil, gaseous fuel and coal and nuclear energy. In addition the new Act gave the minister the power to establish boards for the purpose of investigations and inquiries reporting to either the Minister or the Authority.
The Energy Administration Act, 1987 (Act No.103, 1987) abolished the Energy Authority of New South Wales from 1 July 1987 (5) and established the Department of Energy in its place.
1. Annual Report of the Energy Authority, year ended 30 June 1978, Parliamentary Papers, 1979-80, Vol. 5, p.864.
2. New South Wales Government Gazette No.153, 3 December 1976, Vol.4, p.5372.
3. New South Wales Government Gazette No.76, 8 June 1979, Vol.2, p.2756.
4. New South Wales Government Gazette No.73, 1 June 1979, Vol.2, p.2704.
5. New South Wales Government Gazette No.109, 26 June 1987, p.3180.
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