ARDC Program Highlights

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ARDC is working in partnership with Australian research institutions to make their research data assets more valuable for researchers, research institutions and the nation. Below are some of the datasets made available in Research Data Australia as a result of these partnerships.

National Data Assets (2019-2023)

In 2019-23, ARDC initiated a national co-investment program to develop a portfolio of national-scale data assets to support leading-edge research. Leveraging existing research and administrative investment, the ARDC built partnerships with over 200 organisations across the research sector. Some of the outputs of those partnership projects are listed below.

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ANDS Program Highlights (2014-2017)

Prior to forming part of ARDC, the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) partnered with Australian institutions to make data available under the High Value Collections, Collection Enhancement, and Open Data Collections programs. 

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