Service or Tool

Genomics Virtual Laboratory

Also known as: GVL
QFAB Bioinformatics (Managed by) Research Computing Centre (Managed by)
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Full description

The Genomics Virtual Laboratory (GVL) is NeCTAR funded infrastructure that will provide an opportunity for research institutes across Australia to participate in a community of accessible infrastructure, expertise and advocacy that connects genome researchers with massive datasets, sophisticated analysis tools, and large-scale computational infrastructure so that they can produce high-value globally competitive research results.

The GVL is broadly targeted at the “sequence-oriented” genome-related molecular bio-sciences – including epigenomics, transcriptomics, and meta- and eco-genomics.

The GVL will provide researchers with access to national-scale projects including the NeCTAR Research Cloud, RDSI, NCI, Bioplatforms Australia (BPA), Australian National Data Service, and the EMBL Australia mirror of EMBL-EBI. The GVL will be developed and operated by the Genome Informatics Network (GIN) the organisational umbrella within the newly formed Australian Bioinformatics Network endorsed by CSIRO, BPA and EMBL Australia. Members include the Universities of Queensland, Melbourne, Sydney, Western Australia and Monash University; CSIRO, and other universities and research institutes, representing thousands of researchers.

The primary aims will be to:

  • make tools, workflows, data, and experiments more accessible, shareable, reproducible and reliable;
  • improve data provenance; facilitate access to HPC resources; provide infrastructure tailored to the data-intensive demands of genomics;
  • provide a forum to collaborate and share data and workflows;
  • provide resources that advanced research groups can control and customise in the national research cloud;
  • promote the use of genome informatics through end-user support, training courses and outreach programs;
  • build informatics platforms on national infrastructure in a way that can be extended to other -omics and biosciences in the future.


This software is currently being built using funding from NeCTAR.

This service record in Research Data Australia (RDA) therefore does not (yet) point to a fully functional software tool, nor can it (yet) be linked to any output collection(s) derived through the use of the tool.

When the fully functional software tool is available, this RDA service record will be modifed to reflect these changes.


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Other Information
NeCTAR Virtual Laboratory programme

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