Full description
The City and Suburban Electric Railways (Amendment) Act, Act No. 13 of 1947, made provision for the construction of further electric railways in the City of Sydney, serving the eastern, southern and south eastern suburbs. This Act amended an earlier scheme proposed by J.J.C. Bradfield in 1916, which had provided for an Eastern Suburbs Railway (via St James Station), and a South Eastern Railway.The City and Suburban Electric Railways (Amendment) Act of 1947 made provision for the construction of 44 miles of new suburban electric railways.
(X2941-82). 42 plans.
This description is extracted from Concise Guide to the State Archives of New South Wales, 3rd Edition 2000.
Created: 1921-01-01 to 1954-12-31
Data time period: 1921-01-01 to 1954-12-31
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