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These papers include original policy documents and correspondence, mainly regarding the cancellation and refunding of policies following the cessation of State operation of the colliery. The policies relate to workers compensation, camp equipment, cash in transit and underground property insurance. There are responses to a number of letters sent by the colliery on 4 July 1930, copies of which can be found in the related series NRS 10243 (Correspondence regarding insurance policies and telephone services).
An Employers' Indemnity policy (workers compensation), dated 11/08/1926, bears an endorsement of 27 November 1929 by the Rothbury Colliery owners, transferring the policy to the Secretary for Mines. Also included with the papers is a “Certificate of Qualification of Fireman, Examiner, Deputy, or Shot-firer” issued by the University College of Nottingham on 31 January 1916 respecting Ernest Cyril Williams. It bears an endorsement, dated Sydney 28 November 1929, stating that it was registered as a third class certificate of competency No.2281 for New South Wales. Attached to the certificate is a “medical certificate as to eyesight and hearing” under the Coal Mines Regulation Acts respecting Mr Williams.
Created: 1929-11-01 to 1930-07-31
Data time period: 1916-01-31 to 1930-07-15
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