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The Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development was established on 1 July 2015 by the Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes-Public Service Agencies) Order (No.2) 2015. (1) This Order also abolished the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services. (2) The Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development was responsible to the portfolios of: Industry, Resources and Energy; Regional Development; Primary Industries; Lands and Water; Skills; and Small Business. (3)
The Department was responsible for providing “a broad range of services to industry and the community, including training, education and specialist advisory services, regulatory and compliance, research and development, business development, mine safety, food safety, grant provision, policy development and advice, migration, Crown lands management, biosecurity and emergency services, as well as commercial services through the Soil Conservation Service”. (4)
The Department comprised the following operational and central divisions:
- The NSW Department of Primary Industries
- Economic, Skills and Regional Development
- Resources and Energy
- Finance, Strategy and Operations. (5)
The following agencies and functions were aligned with the Department:
- The Office of the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer
- Jobs for NSW
- The Cross-Border Commissioner
- The Land and Water Commissioner
- The Small Business Commissioner
- Local Land Services. (6)
From 1 April 2017, the name of the Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development was changed to the Department of Industry. (7) The Department was responsible to the portfolios of: Primary Industries; Skills; Small Business; Regional Water; Trade and Industry; Lands and Forestry; Racing; Sport; Tourism and Major Events; and the Assistant Minister for Skills. (8)
On 1 April 2017, the Resources and Energy and Resource Regulator divisions and functions were transferred from the Department of Industry to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, and the Regional Development function was transferred to the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet. On the same day, Liquor and Gaming NSW, and Office of Racing were transferred to the Department from the Department of Justice, and Trade and Investment was transferred from the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet. (9)
The Department comprised the following operational and central divisions:
- The NSW Department of Primary Industries
- Skills and Economic Development
- Lands and Forestry
- Liquor and Gaming NSW and the Office of Racing
- Finance, Strategy and Operations. (10)
The following agencies and functions were aligned with the Department:
- The Office of the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer
- Jobs for NSW
- The Land and Water Commissioner
- The Small Business Commissioner
- Local Land Services
- Destination NSW
- Office of Sport
- NSW Institute of Sport. (11)
On 1 January 2018, the staff who were principally involved in the administration of the Lotteries and Art Unions Act 1901 (Act No.34, 1901) were transferred from the Department of Industry to the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation. (12)
On 1 July 2019 the Department of Industry was abolished. Most of its staff were added to the new Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. (13) Staff principally involved in the administration of legislation allocated to the Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney, along with the Office of the Small Business Commissioner and NSW Trade and Investment were transferred to the Treasury while staff principally involved in the administration of legislation allocated to the Minister for Skills and Tertiary Education were transferred to the Department of Education. (14)
1. Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes–Public Service Agencies) Order (No.2) 2015 (2015 No.250) cls.6 (1); notified on NSW Legislation Website, 29 May 2015.
2. Ibid., cls.6 (7).
3. Ibid., cls.5.
4. NSW Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development Annual Report 2015-2016, p.4.
5. Ibid., pp.4-5.
6. Loc. cit.
7. Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes-Public Service Agencies) Order 2017 (2017 No.79) cls.7; notified on NSW Legislation Website, 15 March 2017.
8. Ibid., cls.5.
9. Ibid., clss.8, 9, 11, 13; NSW Department of Industry Annual Report 2016-2017, pp.4-8.
10. Ibid., pp.4, 8.
11. Ibid., p.8.
12. Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes-Miscellaneous) Order 2017 (2017 No.757) cls.6; notified on NSW Legislation Website, 22 December 2017.
13. Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes - Public Service Agencies) Order 2019 (2019 No 159), clause 9 (2); notified on NSW Legislation website, 2 April 2019 as amended by Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes--Public Service Agencies) Order 2019 (2019 No 180), Schedule 1 [1]; notified on NSW Legislation website, 1 May 2019.
14. Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes - Public Service
Agencies) Order 2019 (2019 No 159), cls. 28 and 29; notified on NSW
Legislation website, 2 April 2019.
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