Service or Tool

Geo-Spatial Analytic tool for Public Open Space (POS)

The University of Western Australia
University of Western Australia : Centre for the Built Environment and Health (Owned by)
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]]
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Licence & Rights

View details

Rights Statement

Use of the POS Tool shall be solely at the user's own discretion and risk and no other party shall be liable for any damages whatsoever and howsoever caused, including where resulting from any inaccuracy, incorrectness, unsoundness and/or unreliability in its use. The tool and data are provided without any representation or warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to being of satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose.


Apache License 2.0

Access rights

Open Access

Contact Information

Brief description

This Public Open Space (POS) distribution browser is a web based Geographic Information System (GIS) POS data dissemination and data visualisation tool. The tool will provide access to output data from a new POS spatial layer and data on POS attributes and/or amenities. These will include access to basic descriptive data that summarises and characterises POS, and the level of service they provide.

For the purpose of the distribution browser, POS refer to all land reserved for the provision of green space and natural environments (e.g. parks, reserves, bushland) that is freely accessible and intended for use for recreation purposes (active or passive) by the general public. Four types of .green and natural public open spaces. are distinguished: (1) Park; (2) Natural or Conservation Area; (3) School Grounds; and (4) Residual. Areas where the public are not permitted except on payment or which are available to limited and selected numbers by membership (e.g. golf courses and sports centre facilities) or setbacks and buffers required by legislation are not included.


This service currently covers Perth Metropolitan and Peel Region.

Delivery method


  • Local : uwa-ap12/service-1