
AGY-7201 | Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (2019-2021) / Department of Planning and Environment [II] (2021-2023) / Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (2024- )

NSW State Archives Collection
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The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) was established on 1 July 2019 (1) with the purpose of connecting communities to resilient and sustainable environments and energy; maximising community benefit from Government land and property; providing sustainable, secure and healthy water resources and services; creating a strong and liveable NSW; embedding Aboriginal cultural knowledge; providing world-class public service; and making government easy. All functions revolved around stewardship of the physical environment—both natural and built— with the goals of achieving sustainable development and giving future generations the ability to meet their own needs. (2)

As of June 2021, the Department comprised six core delivery groups reporting to the Secretary. These delivery groups were Water; Housing and Property; Environment, Energy and Science; Planning and Assessment; Place, Design and Public Spaces; and Planning Delivery Unit and Local Government. (3)

The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment included the NSW Resources Regulator and a group called Regions, Industry, Agriculture and Resources until 2 April 2020, when the Department of Regional NSW was formed. The employees and functions of Regions, Industry, Agriculture and Resources, the NSW Resources Regulator and relevant corporate services functions were transferred to this new department and, in some cases, to the Office of the Independent Planning Commission. (4)

The Department included the Office of the Chief Scientist & Engineer (OCSE) until 29 March 2021, at which time OCSE transferred to Investment NSW, an executive agency within the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC). (5)

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment was renamed the Department of Planning and Environment [II] (DPE) on 21 December 2021. (6)

From 1 April 2022 some agencies and teams were moved. The Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust; Greater Sydney Parklands; Place Management NSW; Smart Places and Public Spaces - Streetscapes, place-based urban improvement and activation projects were Moved to Transport for NSW. The Energy Corporation of NSW and Climate Change and Sustainability were moved to NSW Treasury; and Heritage NSW became part of the Department of Planning and Environment. (7)

At 30 June 2023 the Department of Planning and Environment's structure comprised the Secretary with the Office of the Secretary; Corporate Services; Governance and Legal; Crown Land; Environment and Heritage; Homes, Property and Development; Local Government; Planning; and Water. (8)

From 1 January 2024 the Department's name was changed to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI). (9)

On 1 January 2024 the Environment and Heritage Group and the Water Group were transferred from the former Department of Planning and Environment to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. The Environment line team in the Corporate Services Group were transferred from the former Department of Planning and Environment to the Environment Protection Authority Staff Agency. (10)

1. Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes—Public Service Agencies) Order 2019 (2019 No 159), clause 6; notified on NSW Legislation website, 2 April 2019 as amended by Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes—Public Service Agencies) Order 2019 (2019 No 180), Schedule 1 [1]; notified on NSW Legislation website, 1 May 2019.
2. Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Annual Report, 2019-20, p.4.
3. Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Annual Report, 2020-21, p.8.
4. Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Annual Report, 2019-20, p.2.
5. Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Annual Report, 2020-21, p.3.
6. Administrative Arrangements (Second Perrottet Ministry—Transitional) Order 2021 (2021 No 790); Schedule 2 cl.3(1); notified NSW legislation website, 21 December 2021
7. DPIE website, (accessed 1 November 2022).
8. Department of Planning and Environment, Annual Report, 2022-23, p.8.
9. Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes—Miscellaneous) Order (No 6) 2023, (2023 No 648) Schedule 1, cl.20(1); NSW Legislation Website, 6 December 2023 amending Administrative Arrangements (58th Parliament) Order 2023 (2023 No 137); NSW Legislation Website, 5 April 2023.
10. Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes—Miscellaneous) Order (No 6) 2023, (2023 No 648) Schedule 1, cl.21(1) and (3); NSW Legislation Website, 6 December 2023 amending Administrative Arrangements (58th Parliament) Order 2023 (2023 No 137); NSW Legislation Website, 5 April 2023.

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