Full description
The cover and major title of this volume is Sydney Harbour Bridge 'Suspension Bridge Dawes to Milson’s Point calculations for estimate'. This appears to be the original copy signed by J.J.C. Bradfield, Chief Engineer, Railway Construction. These estimates and calculations briefly describe, and show diagrams, of various details of the bridge and indicate the types of load (including uniform, concentrated or live load ) and its distribution, deflection, stress and weight factors. There is some explanation of engineering decisions made and there are detailed calculations.
The various components are described in considerable detail. The major sections of the calculations are roadway, tramway and footway, windbracing, stiffening and trusses, main span, and cables.
The quantities are summarised and the costs indicated. The section ‘Prices adopted’ sets out the costs often giving specifications of the material, the supplier who quoted and, when necessary, calculation of duties payable.
The number 3F/174 appears on the front endpapers of this volume. Its significance is unknown. It was possibly a location symbol when the record was active or in storage.
Custody History
This record series was handed to the Archives Authority of NSW on 11 June 1968 by the Bradfield family. It was apparently an archival estray.
Created: 1913-01-01 to 1913-01-01
Data time period: 1913-01-01 to 1913-01-01
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