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In 1964, in preparation for an office relocation and anticipating less space for the storage of plans, Public Works' internal Reprographics Unit began creating microfilm copies of its hardcopy plans. After filming, the Reprographics Unit retained an aperture card copy for use by the department and sent the master microfilm reel to State Archives. This series contains the master microfilms.
The microfilmed plans relate to projects proposed or conducted by the various branches of Public Works at Head Office and in regional offices. They include sketches, working drawings and executed plans categorised as architectural, engineering, mechanical, electrical, structural, hydraulic and survey. Subjects include government buildings, facilities and precincts such as water supply and sewerage works, including reservoirs, dams and weirs, pipelines, pumping stations and treatment stations; wharves, jetties, boat ramps and navigational equipment; soundings, dredges and dredging; flood mitigation and drainage works; psychiatric hospitals; schools and universities; police stations, court houses and gaols; and site and locality plans.
There is no practical way to access specific content on the master microfilms. However, this content is duplicated on the aperture cards. Please see the related series "Aperture cards - plans relating to public works projects" (NRS 21554), for itemised listings of and access to this content.
Created: 1964-01-01
Data time period: 1803-01-01 to 2008-12-31
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