Brief description
This dataset contains Landsat 5 imagery for selected areas of Queensland, currently Torres Strait and around Lizard Island and Cape Tribulation. This collection was made as a result of the development of the Torres Strait Features dataset. It includes a number (typically 4 - 8) of selected Landsat images for each scene from the entire Landsat 5 archive. These images were selected for having low cloud cover and clear water. The aim of this collection was to allow investigation of the marine features. The complete catalogue of Landsat 5 for scenes 96_70, 96_71, 97_67, 97_68, 98_66, 98_67, 98_68_99_66, 99_67 and 99_68 were downloaded from the Google Earth Engine site ( ). The images were then processed into low resolution true colour using GDAL. They were then reviewed for picture clarity and the best ones were selected and processed at full resolution to be part of this collection. The true colour conversion was achieved by applying level adjustment to each channel to ensure that the tonal scaling of each channel was adjusted to give a good overall colour balance. This effectively set the black point of the channel and the gain. This adjustment was applied consistently to all images. - Red: Channel B3, Black level 8, White level 58 - Green: Channel B2, Black level 10, White level 55 - Blue: Channel B1, Black level 32, White level 121 Note: A constant level adjustment was made to the images regardless of the time of the year that the images were taken. As a result images in the summer tend to be brighter than those in the winter. After level adjustment the three channels were merged into a single colour image using gdal_merge. The black surround on the image was then made transparent using the GDAL nearblack command. This collection consists of 59 images saved as 4 channel (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) GeoTiff images with LZW compression (lossless) and internal overviews with a WGS 84 UTM 54N projection. Each of the individual images can be downloaded from the eAtlas map client (Overlay layers: eAtlas/Imagery Base Maps Earth Cover/Landsat 5) or as a collection of all images for each scene. Data Location: This dataset is filed in the eAtlas enduring data repository at: data\NERP-TE\13.1_eAtlas\QLD_NERP-TE-13-1_eAtlas_Landsat-5_1988-2011Notes
This imagery was compiled to allow for mapping of reefs in Torres Strait.
Issued: 20 08 2014
Data time period: 01 09 1988 to 01 07 2010
text: northlimit=-8.8330078125; southlimit=-11.2939453125; westlimit=141.064453125; eastLimit=143.6572265625; projection=EPSG
text: northlimit=-13.831787109375; southlimit=-16.468505859375; westlimit=144.31640625; eastLimit=146.00830078125; projection=EPSG
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- global : bc667743-3f77-4533-82a7-5b45c317dd89