Brief description
The 2005 Thomson Lachlan 2D Seismic Survey was conducted by Terrex Seismic Pty, Ltd for ANSIR (Australian National Seismic Imaging Resource) and the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries - Mineral Resources. The survey was situated near the township of Tilpa (on the Darling River) in central NSW. There were three lines totalling 301.88km chained at a 40m station interval. The traverses cross a section of the Thomson Orogen gravity high where it is narrow and where the southern part is expressed by linear magnetic highs that extend as far south as the possible southern edge of the Thomson Orogen. These traverses also cross a narrow part of the Nelyambo Basin and the Mt Jack High to the south. Raw data for this survey are available on request from
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 2005
Data time period: 2005-08-13 to 2005-08-31
text: westlimit=143.8; southlimit=-31.4; eastlimit=144.7; northlimit=-29.8
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- global : cd52d45b-ab88-115a-e044-00144fdd4fa6