Brief description
Terracorp under its facilities management agreement with ANSIR was contracted to conduct the 1999 Lachlan and Marsden Seismic Surveys located around West Wyalong, NSW. In total 206.47 kms of 60, 80 and 120 fold, 160 & 240 channel data was recorded between 11th September 1999 and 29th September 1999. This Eastern Lachlan Orogen project was part of the research conducted by the Australian Geodynamics Cooperative Research Centre (AGCRC), which was established under the auspices of the Commonwealth Government's Cooperative Research Centres Program in 1993. The Ordovician volcanics and associated rocks of the Eastern Lachlan Orogen are important as a significant Australian gold province. To assist mineral exploration companies in understanding the geodynamics and mineral systems of this region, the AGCRC has been collecting information that will assist in the development of geodynamic and exploration models of the region. To understand the size and architecture of the mineral system, we need to know the threedimensional geometry of the system we are dealing with. To start to address this, in 1997 the AGCRC commenced a project in the Eastern Lachlan Orogen by collecting seismic information to examine the regional scale crustal architecture as a first step towards building exploration models for the region. We continued this work in 1999 with the collection of further deep seismic reflection data along two traverses in the Forbes-West Wyalong region. The northern traverse was jointly funded by the AGCRC and the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GSNSW) as a cooperative research project. The southern traverse was funded by the AGCRC, and co-investigators in the seismic interpretation involved staff from the AGCRC at AGSO, the GSNSW, and AGSO's Gilmore Project. Raw data for this survey are available on request from
Maintenance and Update Frequency: unknownIssued: 1999
Data time period: 1999-09-06 to 1999-09-21
text: westlimit=146.75; southlimit=-34.25; eastlimit=148; northlimit=-33.5; projection=AGD84 / AMG zone 55
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Processed Seismic Package
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- global : cd697530-5b7d-3811-e044-00144fdd4fa6