Geoscience Australia

Geoscience Australia undertakes a range of activities intended to ensure that the Australian Government and the community reap the broader and longer-term benefits geoscience and geoscientific information offer. These benefits include include greater innovation and increased productivity.
  • National Geoscience Capability, including developing and maintaining datasets and collections which support enduring national issues. The availability of the datasets help to increase the use of geoscientific information across all research sectors. Two data collections of national significance are the ARG25 and ASTER Collections
  • National Geoscience Infrastructure, including operating nationally important infrastructure such as observatories.
  • Promotion and Presence, including operation of a popular education centre and open day, support for curriculum development and engagement with the research community.

The agency is focussed on, and generates data about, the following Australian Government priorities:

  • Responsible Resource Development, including developing and promoting a prospectus of Australia’s onshore and offshore resources to maintain Australia’s share of global resource markets, and ensuring issues around groundwater and seafloor biodiversity can be managed.
  • Cleaner and Low Emissions Energy Technology, including carbon capture and storage and geothermal energy.
  • Community Safety, including mitigating the impact of natural hazards such as floods, earthquakes and landslides, and supporting governments to respond more effectively when disasters do occur.
  • Improving Marine Planning and Protection, including supporting Australia’s claims to territories and resources, and supporting management of seafloor and coastal biodiversity.
The agency also leverages its capability to undertake activities that relate to current Australian Government priorities and that are fully funded by other agencies. GA’s current focus areas are:
  • Restoring Long-Term Health of the Murray-Darling Basin, including analysis of options for storing water underground, when it is available, to avoid losses caused by evaporation.
  • Tackling Climate Change Impact, including provision of information about coastal vulnerability to sea -level rise and monitoring of forestation/deforestation in the region.
  • Official Development Assistance, including support for the Mining for Development Initiative and for increasing disaster resilience of countries in the region.

National Geoscience Capability, including developing and maintaining datasets and collections which support enduring national issues. The availability of the datasets help to increase the use of geoscientific information across all research sectors. Two data collections of national significance are the Australian Reflectance Grid 25 (ARG25)  and ASTER Geoscience map of Australia Collections

Data Profile
Geoscience Australia has 10200 data records in Research Data Australia, which cover 5093 subjects areas including Published_External, geoscientificInformation and EARTH SCIENCES and involve 65 group(s). All of the information provided by Geoscience Australia can be accessed from the box on the right hand side of this page.