Brief description
Seismic refraction velocities were measured in the Archaean or crystalline basement rocks at Mount Davies (SA) and Giles (WA) where the rocks are near the surface. Refraction velocities were measured in the Proterozoic outcrops of the Rawlinson Range and Lake Hopkins. Refraction velocities were measured in the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic rocks at Lake Christopher, and in the Mesozoic rocks at Iragana Turnoff. Those velocities were used as a basis for a suggested correlation between refractors recorded at traverses between Signpost and Mount Beadell. Reflection tecniques, as tried 9 yielded fair reflections at Mount Beadell, and doubtful reflection alignments at trig. point NMF 19. It is likely that the sedimentary basin shows an increasing thickness of sediments from Signpost to Mount Beadell, At Mount Beadoll there is at least 6000 ft of apparently post-Proterozoic sediments. The thickness and degree of metamorphism of Proterozoic ratio below this have not been determined. Present evidence suggests an area of uplift under Lake Breaden.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 1963
Data time period: 1961-09-06 to 1961-10-23
text: westlimit=123.0; southlimit=-27.0; eastlimit=130.0; northlimit=-24.0
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- global : ded6582b-0f3c-725f-e044-00144fdd4fa6