Brief description
During 1961 in the southern part of the Surat Basin a seismic party from the Bureau of Mineral Resources surveyed two main traverses by means of seismic reflection and refraction methods; the first was in an east-west direction between Yelarbon and St George and the second was in a north-south direction between Meandarra and Nome. The main purposes of the survey were to find whether the Bowen Basin Permian sediments extend as far south as the latitude of Goondiwindi and whether the Bowen Basin in Queensland and the Sydney Basin in New South Wales formed a continuous region of sedimentation during the Permian period. The east-west seismic traverse indicated a trough of sediments of greatest thickness,tabout 14,800 ft beneath Toobeah; the trough is bounded on the eastorn side at Goondiwindi by a fault down-thrown more than 7000 ft to the west and is bounded on the western side by a series of step.-faults beneath Bungunya and Talweod. The results along the north-south traverse indicated that the trough beneath Meandarra, which represents the southern extension of the Bowen Basin, continues south to Toobeah. The nature of the link, if any, between the Bowen Basin and the Sydney Basin was not established. On the eastern side of the Surat Basin, seismic results indicated that the rocks beneath the Mesozoic sediments are stratified and probably metamorphic. A shelf area between Talweod and St George has about 6000 ft of sediments above a Drobablo metamorphic 'basement'. An anticlinal structure with a dip-reversal of about 1000 ft throw was located between Goondiwindi and Toobeah.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 1962
Data time period: 1961-03-29 to 1961-04-04
text: westlimit=148.5; southlimit=-30.0; eastlimit=151.0; northlimit=-27.5
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