Brief description
The product includes: • A collection of digital files (photographs, documents, maps, cross sections, sketches, etc) stored in cloud-hosted repository. • Oracle database tables linking the files to geological features and samples described in GA’s scientific databases (including but not limited to boreholes, samples, field sites, geological provinces, stratigraphic units, samples, mines, mineral deposits, isotopes, and mineral occurrences) • WMS and WFS web services which deliver the link to other Geoscience Australia geological feature web services.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded
Statement: Digital files (eg, photographs, maps, sketches, documents, etc) are uploaded to a cloud-hosted file repository. Many of these files were originally sourced from GA's legacy Oracle databases which contained BLOB objects (eg, ALL_BLOBS, OZMIN_BLOBS). Links between geological features in GA's scientific databases (including but not limited to boreholes, samples, field sites, geological provinces, stratigraphic units, samples, mines, mineral deposits, and mineral occurrences) and the cloud-hosted files are maintained in two Oracle data tables. WMS and WFS web services deliver the feature-file links using Geoserver.
PurposeA system to manage and deliver digital files that are linked to geological features and samples
Created: 20 08 2019
Issued: 16 09 2021
Data time period: 2019-08-01
text: westlimit=111; southlimit=-44; eastlimit=155; northlimit=-9; projection=GDA94 (EPSG:4283)
Published_External |
audio |
borehole |
composite log |
cross section |
document |
field site |
geoscientificInformation |
graph |
map |
mine |
mineral occurrence |
photograph |
sample |
sketch |
video |
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- DOI : 10.26186/130804
- URI :
- global : 01da00ca-47a9-4e4f-ba60-53bc5f18d7dd