Brief description
This web service provides links to access pictures and documents for any geological or geophysical feature data that are delivered by complementary feature services for these data, including but not limited to: boreholes, field sites, structures, stratigraphic units, samples, mines, mineral deposits and mineral occurrences, along with descriptions of those objects.Lineage
Statement: A collection of photographs, figures and documents captured and created by Geoscience Australia staff for boreholes, field sites, structures, stratigraphic units, samples, mines, mineral deposits and mineral occurrences that the agency has collected data for.text: westlimit=111.0; southlimit=-44.0; eastlimit=155.0; northlimit=-9.0; projection=4326
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Files Linked to Geological Features WMS
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- URI :
- global : 23deb123-6b95-4a73-be42-bce7a21fc880