
EarthByte Group: linking observations to kinematic and dynamic models

The University of Sydney
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Brief description

The EarthByte Group is one of the world’s leading research groups for global and regional plate tectonic reconstructions and for studying the interplay between the deep earth and surface processes. Research is conducted in topics as diverse as basin evolution, geodynamic controls on ore deposit formation, continental deformation, formation of Australian opal, causes of long-term sea-level change and Phanerozoic plate tectonic reconstructions.

The EarthByte Group leads the development of open-source plate reconstruction software, GPlates ( GPlates enables the interactive manipulation of plate-tectonic reconstructions and the visualization of geodata through geological time, and it facilitates interoperability of plate tectonic data and models with geodynamic computing services for applied and fundamental research purposes.

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Contact Information
EarthByte Group
Madsen Building F09
School of Geosciences
The University of Sydney
NSW 2006 Australia