
Discovery Projects - Grant ID: DP180101251 [ 2018-01-01 - 2021-12-30 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Alexander Sen Gupta (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Alejandro Di Luca (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Daniel Argüeso (Partner Investigator) ,  Nicolas Jourdain (Partner Investigator)

Brief description A regional coupled climate model for Australia. This project aims to implement a regional, coupled atmosphere and ocean model, to determine under what circumstance ocean-atmosphere interactions are critical. Regional high-resolution atmosphere models are routinely used to provide projections of climate at the local scales needed by decision makers. However, these tools neglect the fine-scale interactions between ocean and atmosphere that can significantly modify conditions around coastal or island regions. This project intends to deliver the first high-resolution projections of both ocean and atmosphere off eastern Australia to understand how small-scale ocean and atmosphere processes and their interactions affect changes in extreme rainfall, marine heat waves and ocean circulation.

Funding Amount $327,316

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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