
Department of Labour II (known as Department of Employment and Industrial Affairs 1985-1986)

Public Record Office Victoria
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In 1985 the Department of Employment and Industrial Affairs was established through the amalgamation of the Department of Labour and Industry (VA 1027), the Ministry of Employment and Training (VA 704) and the Ministry of Industrial Affairs (VA 1059). In 1986 the Department was renamed as the Department of Labour.

The primary functions of the Department were to contribute to the Government's economic and social objectives by developing and managing the labour market and youth policy programs. Through its Industrial Relations Division, the Department was responsible for industrial relations for both the public and private sectors. It was also responsible for the employment and management of staff in the government sector; and administered the WorkCare system. It reported to the Minister for Labour. The Department also had a number of statutory authorities which reported directly to the Minister. These included the Accident Compensation Commission (ACC; 2732), Industrial Relations Commission of Victoria (VA 1009) and various boards of examination.

In October 1992, VA 2777 Department of Labour II was abolished following a change of government. Responsibility for its major functions was transferred to VA 3096 Department of Business and Employment.

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Data time period: [1985 TO 1992]

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