Brief description
This dataset is derived from the Australia's River Basins 1997 (GA) dataset. It shows the 12 drainage divisions. Primary credit should be given to Geoscience Australia. This dataset was created by using ArcMap to dissolve polygons from the Australia's River Basins 1997 shapefile based on the DNAME attribute.Lineage
Data for basin boundaries have been captured by relevant State and Territory authorities from 1:10 000 and 1:250 000 scale source material. The balance of the data are from Geoscience Australia's GEODATA Coast 100K which includes coastlines and State and Territory borders. Australia's River Basin data complies with the following rules for topology: - The data has a node/chain structure; - Every line feature has a node at each end; - Every line feature has a node at intersections; - Every line feature has a node at the point where an attribute of the feature changes; - There are no unnecessary pseudo nodes; - Every polygon is closed; - Every polygon contains a polygon label point; - There are no coincident features; - There are no undershoots, overshoots, broken lines or other artefacts; - Divisions, Regions or Basins that are intersected by State borders have identical label point attributes each side of the State border; and - Lines intersected by State borders, except for coastline, have identical attributes.Issued: 25 09 2014
Created: 19970601
Data time period: 30 06 1997
text: northlimit=-9; southlimit=-44; westlimit=112; eastLimit=154; projection=EPSG
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- global : 039e74aa-be9b-4935-8160-5c0c5c50e53f