Brief description
This product covers interpretation of the full geophysical extent of the Yilgarn Craton, and also most of the Albany-Fraser province to the south-southeast. The interpretation covers the Meekatharra (SG50), Wiluna (SG51), Perth (SH50), Kalgoorlie (SH51), Albany (SHI50), and Esperance (SI51) 1:1M sheets. The data set predominantly addresses the Archaean rocks of the Yilgarn Craton but includes interpretation of the adjacent, abutting or onlapping Proterozoic rocks such as the Northampton Block, Yerida, Bryah, Padbury and Earaheedy groups, Albany-Fraser Province, Stirling and Mt Barren Beds, and Phanerozoic Perth and Officer Basins. The aeromagnetic interpretation provides most information on the distribution of the Archaean rocks as these rocks are generally moderately to highly magnetised with reasonable variation of magnetisation. Adjacent Perth Basin sediments are poorly magnetised and spatially associated magnetic anomalies are attributed to underlying Proterozoic rocks. The Archaean rocks are subdivided into undivided gneiss-migmatite-granite (Agmg), banded gneiss (Agn), sinuous gneiss (Anu), greenstone (Aa), and granite plutons (Ag). Where important relative differences in magnetisation are mapped, the geophysical map units include the suffixes _h (high), _m (medium), _l (low) and _r (remanent) for the level of magnetisation. Dykes, faults, and unassigned small intrusives are also mapped. Large Archaean domains equivalent to geologically defined Provinces are also defined including Narryer, Murchison, Toodyay- Lake Grace, Southwest, Southern Cross, Yeelirrie, Lake Johnston and Eastern Goldfields domains.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: irregularIssued: 2002
text: westlimit=114.0; southlimit=-36.0; eastlimit=126.0; northlimit=-24.0
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