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X-ray photoelectron spectra of a silver foil.
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Survey spectrum; Ag 4p, 4s, 3p, and 3s spectra; valence-band spectrum; and Ag MVV X-ray-induced Auger emission spectrum of a silver foil sputter-cleaned with argon ions. Spectra acquired using a monochromated Al Kα X-ray source (hν = 1486.7 eV) operating at 150 W. Survey spectrum recorded from 1400 to -5 eV at 1 eV per step, a dwell time of 250 ms, and a pass energy 160 eV. Region spectra recorded at 0.025 eV per step, a dwell time of 250 ms (per sweep for multiple sweeps), and a pass energy of 20 eV. Ag 3d spectra also acquired at pass energies of 10 and 5 eV. Pressure 3E-09 Torr.
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Survey spectrum of same sample prior to sputtering.