Brief description
This service delivers the base of Cenozoic surface and Cenozoic thickness grids for the west Musgrave province. The gridded data are a product of 3D palaeovalley modelling based on airborne electromagnetic conductivity, borehole and geological outcrop data, carried out as part of Geoscience Australia's Exploring for the Future programme. The West Musgrave 3D palaeovalley model report and data files are available at
Statement: GeoServer web service delivering grids of Cenozoic surface and thickness data, stored in cloud optimised geotiff format for web delivery. The web service is a virtual service within the Estimates of Geological and Geophysical Surfaces (EGGS) web service.text: westlimit=125.75688460857853; southlimit=-28.025669384893973; eastlimit=130.932451641961; northlimit=-23.83704102744702; projection=7852
Australia |
Cenozoic |
Exploring For The Future |
Groundwater |
Palaeovalley |
Published_External |
Surface |
Thickness |
West Musgrave |
WestMusgrave |
geoscientificInformation |
web service |
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Other Information
West Musgrave Base of Cenozoic Surface WMS
- URI :
- global : 49536c18-1af1-410a-994f-2971ee960cea