Brief description
This model output gives a 60 year simulated time series of sea levels for Western Australia from 1949 to 2008. The model was calibrated and validated against records from 10 tide gauges (Esperance, Albany, Bunbury, Fremantle, Hillary’s, Geraldton, Carnarvon, Onslow, Port Hedland and Broome),Lineage
Statement: A depth averaged two dimensional tide/storm surge model of the WA coastline has been configured using the Danish Hydraulic Institute’s (DHI; Mike 21 suite of modelling tools. The DHI Mike 21 system solves the equations of conservation of mass and momentum to describe flow and water level variation with time across the model domain. The initial model grid we have configured for WA has a resolution of 60 km at the open ocean boundaries and 10 km along the whole coastline (see thumbnail). The model was run for the 60 year NCEP period from 1949 to 2008. A tidal simulation was undertaken by just driving the model with the astronomical tide at the boundary, but no meteorological forcing. A second simulation was undertaken with both tidal and meteorological forcing, thus providing the total sea levels (i.e. tide+surge). A third simulation was undertaken by driving the model with just meteorological forcing (i.e. surge). Results from these three simulations were outputted for each model grid cell every hour.Notes
CreditDepartment of Transport for tide gauge information
Modified: 06 07 2010
text: westlimit=105; southlimit=-40; eastlimit=130; northlimit=-8
Sediment Transport |
climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere |
environment |
oceans |
structure |
tides, surges, waves, sea level, extremes, coastal flooding, erosion |
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global : 7d0f934c-7200-4468-bba5-021bd8d6a1b7
- global : c0f1fa8e-8c52-4765-ae23-ad86a01acd2f