Researchers: Bosserelle, Cyprien (Author) , Chari Pattiaratchi (Point of contact) , Haigh, Ivan, Dr (Author) , Pattiaratchi, Chari, Prof. (Point of contact) , Stul, Tanya (Author)
Brief description WAMSI Node 6.1 deals with the modelling of past and future sea level / storm surge and waves. Western Australia is vulnerable to climate change impacts which may alter the prevailing wind conditions. The altered wind fields will have a strong influence on the wind wave climate and in the generation of storm surges. The combined effects of an altered wind wave climate and the magnitude and frequency of storm surges together with relative sea level rise would have important implications for coastal stability and vulnerability. In this project the output from the Woodside Energy North Australian Climate Change Study (NACCS) will be used to force wave, storm surge and sediment transport models to predict changes in beach stability under different climate change scenarios. A key facet of the project is development of a capacity to link science and management. This will be done through direct delivery of regional and sub-regional scenarios for climate change to Local and State Government agencies, in particular, the Department of Planning and Infrastructure for consideration in preparation of policy for coastal management in response to climate change.
Lineage Statement: The models used in this project include: - The tide-storm surge work was done using a 2D numerical model setup in Mike21. - The wave analysis was undertaken using Wave Watch III and SWAN
Department of Transport for tide gauge information
text: westlimit=105; southlimit=-40; eastlimit=130; northlimit=-8
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