Brief description
The study aimed to determine appropriate dark-acclimation times for Posidonia sinuosa, Posidonia australis and Halophila ovalis and then to examine and compare the diurnal photosynthetic rates, and effective quantum yield and potential quantum yield of each species. This was conducted at Woodman Point, W.A. on the 24 May 2005.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlanned
Statement: *Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements*
- Dark-acclimation time for each species -
Prior to beginning the diurnal study, an experiment was conducted to determine an appropriate time for dark-acclimation. Suitable dark-acclimation occured when potential quantum yield reached a maximum plateau with increasing time. Leaves of each species were dark-acclimated in situ for 3, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 15 minutes using dark leaf clips (Walz GmbH, Effeltrich, Germany). Four leaves were used for each time treatment. For logistical reasons, a dark-acclimation time of seven minutes was chosen for use in the following experiments.
- Diurnal variation -
Photosynthetic rates were measured using a Diving-PAM (Walz GmbH, Effeltrich, Germany). Measurements were carried out every two hours between 0700 and 1700 h on 24 May 2005.
Sunrise was at 0704 and sunset 1723 h. On each sampling occasion, seven seperate leaves of each species were used for replicate measurements of dark-acclimated potential quantum yield effective quantum yield and rapid light curvers (RLCs) using the same method as described in section 3.2.3 of the thesis. Ambient underwater irradiance was measured using the Diving-PAM's built-in quantum sensor and was taken as close to the sampling site as possible. Ambient surface irradiance was measured from the shore close to the sampling site with a second Diving-PAM.
PurposeTo quantify the diurnal variation and to determine the potential limitations of relating electron transfer rates (ETR) to estimates of productivity.
Created: 10 08 2007
Data time period: 2005-05-24 to 2005-05-24
text: westlimit=115.73; southlimit=-32.15; eastlimit=115.77; northlimit=-32.13
text: uplimit=2; downlimit=1
63 605002 |
63 617002 |
63 617003 |
Chlorophyll fluorescence |
Diurnal |
Halophila ovalis |
Oceans | Marine Biology | Marine Plants |
Photosynthesis |
Posidonia australis |
Posidonia sinuosa |
Seagrass |
oceans |
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