Full description
The AusCover data products are published under the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) Initiative, an NCRIS/EIF funded activity, with collaboration between state and federal government departments and agencies (including Geoscience Australia and Bureau of Meteorology) and national research and educational institutions (including CSIRO and a number of universities). The data products are of continental scale and finer scale for detailed validation activities. The products are not only useful to the remote sensing community but also to other applications where validated remote sensing data can provide important information on vegetation condition and change across a range of temporal and spatial scales.The data products include: Green land cover (NDVI-EVI)Fractional cover (green vegetation, non-photosynthetic vegetation, bare ground) Fraction of absorbed PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) Burnt areaIssued: 2014
Data time period: 06 2013 to 06 2015
Ecological Applications |
Environmental Sciences |
Ecosystem research |
Satellite remote sensing |
Vegetation |
eng |
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Research Computing Centre (RCC) Datasets
local : UQ:5d1d4fb
Research Data Collections
local : UQ:289097
- DOI : 10.48610/89CF2AA