
Table of the percentage of respondents who scored within +/- 5, +/- 7.5 and +/- 10 points for each of the 5 dimensions and total wellness of the 5F-Wel, a wellness inventory for use among adolescent females aged 12 to 14 years

Queensland University of Technology
Rachele, Jerome
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=info:doi10.4225/09/5881a41964b54&rft.title=Table of the percentage of respondents who scored within +/- 5, +/- 7.5 and +/- 10 points for each of the 5 dimensions and total wellness of the 5F-Wel, a wellness inventory for use among adolescent females aged 12 to 14 years &rft.identifier=10.4225/09/5881a41964b54&rft.publisher=Queensland University of Technology&rft.description=The wellness construct has application in a number of fields including education, healthcare and counselling, particularly with regard to female adolescents. The effective measurement of wellness in adolescents can assist researchers and practitioners in determining lifestyle behaviours in which they are lacking. Behaviour change interventions can then be designed which directly aid in the promotion of these areas. The 5-Factor Wellness Inventory (designed to measure the Indivisible Self model of wellness) is a popular instrument for measuring the broad aspects of wellness amongst adolescents. The instrument comprises 97 items contributing to 17 subscales, five dimension scores, four context scores, total wellness score, and a life satisfaction index. This investigation evaluated the test-retest (intra-rater) reliability of the 5F-Wel instrument in repeated assessments (seven days apart) among adolescent females aged 12-14 years. This table shows the number of respondents who scored within ±5, ±7.5 and ±10 points for total wellness.&rft.creator=Rachele, Jerome &,-26.777500 152.452799,-26.777500 152.452799,-28.037280 153.552920,-28.037280 153.552920,-26.777500&rft_rights=©&rft_rights=Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 5-Factor Wellness Inventory&rft_subject=Wellness&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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Dr Jerome Rachele

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The wellness construct has application in a number of fields including education, healthcare and counselling, particularly with regard to female adolescents. The effective measurement of wellness in adolescents can assist researchers and practitioners in determining lifestyle behaviours in which they are lacking. Behaviour change interventions can then be designed which directly aid in the promotion of these areas. The 5-Factor Wellness Inventory (designed to measure the Indivisible Self model of wellness) is a popular instrument for measuring the broad aspects of wellness amongst adolescents. The instrument comprises 97 items contributing to 17 subscales, five dimension scores, four context scores, total wellness score, and a life satisfaction index. This investigation evaluated the test-retest (intra-rater) reliability of the 5F-Wel instrument in repeated assessments (seven days apart) among adolescent females aged 12-14 years. This table shows the number of respondents who scored within ±5, ±7.5 and ±10 points for total wellness.

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153.55292,-26.7775 152.4528,-26.7775 152.4528,-28.03728 153.55292,-28.03728 153.55292,-26.7775



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