Brief description
The 1:2.5M scale geology of Australia data documents the distribution and age of major stratigraphic, intrusive and medium to high-grade metamorphic rock units of onshore Australia. This edition contains the same spatial content as the previous edition, but its geological attribute data is more complete than the 2010 edition. The dataset was compiled to use at scales between 1:2.5 million and 1:5 million inclusive. The units distinguished/mapped mainly represent stratigraphic supergroups, regional intrusive associations and regional metamorphic complexes. Groupings of Precambrian units in the time-space diagram are generally separated by major time breaks; Phanerozoic units are grouped according to stratigraphic age i.e. System/Period. The time-space diagram has the added benefit that it provides a summary of units currently included on the themes. The method used to distinguish sedimentary and many volcanic units varies for each geological eon as follows: - Cainozoic units are morphological units which emphasise the relationship of the sedimentary fill to the landscape. - Mesozoic units are regionally extensive to continent-wide time-rock units which emphasise the System of Period(s). - Paleozoic units are stratotectonic units that emphasise either the dominant System or Period(s) or the range of Periods. - Proterozoic units are commonly regional stratotectonic units - separated by major time breaks and split into the Paleoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic Eras - which are generally unique to each cratonic region. - Archaean units are regional lithological units grouped into broad time divisions. Metamorphic units are lithological units which emphasise the metamorphic facies and timing of the last major metamorphic event.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 2012
Data time period: 2012-12-19 to 2014-12-19
text: westlimit=109.2; southlimit=-47.3; eastlimit=163.2; northlimit=-8.8; projection=GDA94 (EPSG:4283)
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- DOI : 10.26186/5C636E559CBE1
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- global : b4088aa1-f875-2444-e044-00144fdd4fa6