Brief description
This dataset has been developed by R.W. Vervoort, S.R. Cattle and B. Minasny using funding from the Australian Cotton CRC and its predecessor the CRC for Sustainable Cotton Production. The dataset contains: Contains the soil structural form parameters; macroporosity, surface area, mean pore intercept length, mean solid intercept length, pore star length, solid star length, mean intra-pore distance and mean pore sieve for several depths in the sampled soil structure cores. Colour and binary images are available on request. Experimental procedures for the data collection and references relating to the measurements in this database are described in the Cotton CRC project 1.2.4 Final Report (July 2001), and the following reference: Vervoort, R.W., S.R. Cattle and B. Minasny. 2003. The hydrology of Vertosols in cotton growing regions I: Hydraulic, structural and fundamental soil properties. Australian Journal of Soil Research 41:1255-1272 The database is a Microsoft® Access 2000 file Subjects
Earth Sciences |
Hydrogeology |
Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience |
Surface Processes |
Surfacewater Hydrology |
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