Brief description
Mapping of outcrop geology on Sir Samuel 1:250 000 map sheet in the Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia, as part of the National Geoscience Mapping Accord (NGMA). Briefly, mapping consists of geological boundaries/units, faults, fractures, folds, veins, dykes, joints, linears, marker beds, trends, structural measurements, and mineral deposits.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: irregular
Statement: The current Sir Samuel 1:250 000 outcrop geological map was compiled and generalised from published 1:100 000 outcrop geological maps of the area. Geological lines and polygons for the 1:100 000 maps were originally compiled from 1:25 000 or 1:50 000 aerial photographs. The compilation and generalisation process for the 1:250 000 map was done digitally on screen in Arc/Info at AGSO.
Issued: 2000
text: westlimit=120.0; southlimit=-28.0; eastlimit=121.5; northlimit=-27.0
250K scale |
Earth Sciences |
GIS Dataset |
Published_External |
geology |
geoscientificInformation |
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- global : a05f7892-b3e3-7506-e044-00144fdd4fa6