Brief description
SIFRA is the acronym for 'System for Infrastructure Facility Resilience Analysis'. The system provides an analytical approach for modelling the vulnerability of high-value infrastructure facilities by taking into consideration the fragilities and configurations of its constituent components. In doing this it uses a network theory based approach for modelling the facility and its operations. This method makes it possible to consider the discrete component-level vulnerabilities within a facility and, significantly, their system-level operational implications to the composite facility fragility. SIFRA also includes tools for modelling system restoration times under varied levels of resource allocation scenarios, and for identifying component criticality.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded
Statement: Developed within the Vulnerability, Resilience and Mitigation Section.
Issued: 2016
Modified: 30 04 2018
Modified: 27 03 2019
Modified: 09 04 2019
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- URI :
- global : 2b899975-9076-9ac8-e053-10a3070a1705