Full description
The overall project strategy is called the Coastal Health Archive and Monitoring Program (CHAMP). High resolution panolapse imagery & overlapping images with continuous views of the intertidal shorelines of northern tropical Australia. The category of data includes - aerial shoreline imagery - the extent acquired over the last decade has been approximately 10,000 km from Broome to Cairns, including key islands in Torres Strait. Imagery have been collected using high resolution cameras from low flying helicopters. Data has been collected by JCU researchers and collaborators.
Primary assessment of imagery includes: coordinate location of each image, the assignment of categories of ecosystem type, structure like tree height, condition, and the types and severity of processes observed like trees damaged by storms, fire, weeds, livestock, erosion. Further assessment includes apportioning these categories for specific shoreline sections, and ranking conditions for summary in regional reporting frameworks. The software required for uploading, processing and assessment of data is in development.
Created: 2022-05-02
Spatial Coverage And Location
text: Northern Tropical Australia
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- DOI : 10.25903/E1K7-4642
- Local : researchdata.jcu.edu.au//published/218f3120ca8b11ec96e79967aec3951f