
Norman Duke

Also known as: Norman Duke, Norman C Duke, Norman Clive Duke
National Library of Australia
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Brief description

Dr Norman Duke (MSc, PhD), mangrove ecologist of more than 40 years standing, a specialist in global mangrove floristics, biogeography, climate change adaptation, vegetation mapping, pollution and coastal habitat condition assessment. Experience gained at the University of Queensland, the Australian Institute of Marine Science, and Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. Norm currently leads an active research group on marine tidal wetlands at James Cook University. He conducts research projects and advises on effective management and mitigation of disturbed and damaged tidal wetland ecosystems. He has published more than 190 articles and technical reports, including his authoritative book, ‘Australia’s Mangroves’ published in 2006. Norm heads the JCU Mangrove Hub, and MangroveWatch Ltd, a not-for-profit company with a community science partnership program, delivering exciting outreach initiatives for effective monitoring and assessment of healthy mangroves and saltmarsh tidal wetlands (see:
Dr Norman Duke

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  • ORCID : 0000-0003-2081-9120
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