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The collection includes three major data types- Seafloor structure information: Collation of seafloor structure information (bathymetry and softness hardness) collected using multibeam sonar systems as part of the Victorian Marine Habitat Mapping Project and bathymetric light detection and ranging data (LiDAR) collected as part of the future coats program. The geographic is Victorian State waters (~1400km2 multibeam sonar & ~4000 km2 for LiDAR as of 2012
- Video information: ~800 linear kilometres of precisely georeferenced towed video data from depths of 10-100m in Victorian coastal waters. 300 baited stereo video drops in Hopkins and Discovery Bay site locations. All video has been classified to the lowest taxonomic resolution possible with the video systems employed and converted to spatial data layers in the GIS environment.
- Habitat maps: Predicted habitat models integrating seafloor structure and video information developed using classification algorithms and remote sensing technologies.
Issued: 2024-05-17
Created: 2024-05-17
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