Deakin University
Data Profile
Deakin University has 457 data records in Research Data Australia,
which cover 1610 subjects areas including Conservation and Biodiversity, Marine and Estuarine Ecology (incl. Marine Ichthyology) and LiDAR and involve 0 group(s).
All of the information provided by Deakin University can be accessed from the box on the right hand side of this page.
Subjects Covered
Last 5 Data Records Added
- Resmetirom and Metabolic Dysfunction‑Associated Steatohepatitis: Perspectives on Multidisciplinary Management from Global Healthcare Professionals
- Fear of Food in Gastrointestinal Disease: A Framework Based on the Interpreted Experiences of Adults with Diverticular Disease
- Rational design of lithium sulphonamide polymeric cation exchange membranes for LiOH production by electrodialysis
- Solid polymer electrolyte (SIL in epoxy)_5mms_main_2s hold_force-FIG2-F
- Solvate ionic liquid (LiTFSI:G3)_5mms_10N_2s hold_FIG2-E
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