
Sea surface elevations

University of Tasmania, Australia
Santamaria-Gomez, Alvaro (Aggregated by)
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= surface elevations&rft.identifier= of Tasmania, Australia&rft.description=We use sea-surface reflections of GPS signals, recorded as oscillations in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), to estimate the GNSS to tide gauge (TG) levelling tie, and thus the ellipsoidal heights of the TG. Data is available from the lead author&rft.creator=Santamaria-Gomez, Alvaro& co-location&rft_subject=GPS&rft_subject=Tide gauges&rft_subject=Reflectometry&rft_subject=GNSS&rft_subject=SNR&rft_subject=Levelling&rft_subject=Sea level&rft_subject=Height datums&rft_subject=Geodesy&rft_subject=ENGINEERING&rft_subject=GEOMATIC ENGINEERING&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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Full description

We use sea-surface reflections of GPS signals, recorded as oscillations in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), to estimate the GNSS to tide gauge (TG) levelling tie, and thus the ellipsoidal heights of the TG. Data is available from the lead author

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