Brief description
This record was retired 29/03/2022 with approval from S.Oliver as it has been superseded by eCat 146261 DEA Geometric Median and Median Absolute Deviation (Landsat) This product provides ‘second order’ statistical techniques that follow from the geometric median, which is useful for environmental characterisation and change detection. The Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) is a generalisation of the classic one-dimensional statistic for multidimensional applications, and is a measure of variance in a dataset through comparison to the median. It is similar in concept to the way that the standard deviation in statistics can be used to understand variance compared to the mean.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 30 11 2018
Modified: 12 08 2019
Modified: 23 04 2020
Data time period: 1986-08-16 to 2017-07-31
Spatial Coverage And Location
text: westlimit=-1943830.00; southlimit=-1119030.00; eastlimit=2170690.00; northlimit=-4856630.00
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DEA Geometric Median and Median Absolute Deviation (Landsat)
- Local : Link to be added by administrator
- Local : Product
- global : fd4c3b7c-b5c6-4c50-9b58-51db8e054fa1
- URI :
- global : 55dc6d7c-cc7f-481d-8ebf-1637387a4f40
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- global : bcf969df-6213-4e5c-86d4-64e3b53de64a
- global : 0f541ef2-0a18-4582-897b-e943019c9615
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