
Restor(y)ing Aboriginal Parenting: Development and evaluation of a culturally relevant program to support Aboriginal par [ 2005 - 2010 ]

Also known as: Development and evaluation of a program for Aboriginal parents to build strong families and give children a healthy star

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Stephen Zubrick (Principal investigator) ,  Professor Sven Silburn (Principal investigator, Principal investigator of) ,  Sven Silburn (Principal investigator, Principal investigator of) ,  A/Pr David Lawrence A/Pr Edward Wilkes
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Brief description The Restor(y)ing Aboriginal Parenting Project involves the development and evaluation of a culturally relevant program for Aboriginal parents of young children. It aims to address the intergenerational effects of past policies of forced separation of children on the cultural and social transmission of parenting knowledge and skills. It seeks to restore identification with culture, promote parental confidence, knowledge and child rearing skills and enhance resilience in Aboriginal children.

Funding Amount $AUD 1,612,793.00

Funding Scheme NHMRC Strategic Awards

Notes A Healthy Start to Life (for ATSI)

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