
Public Service Board (known as Public Service Commissioner 1901-40)

Public Record Office Victoria
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Full description

The Public Service Board was established under Section 4 of the Public Service Act 1883. It initially comprised three persons appointed by the Governor in Council. A permanent public servant could also be appointed to act as Secretary to the Board.

The composition and title of the agency has been subject to change. Under the provisions of the Public Service Act 1901, the original composition of three members was replaced by a single member known as the Public Service Commissioner. A three member Public Service Board was re-constituted by the Public Service Act 1940.

The Board was originally part of the Premier's Office (VA 672), which was initially a sub-department of the Department of the Treasurer (VA 865). In 1894 the Chief Secretary assumed responsibility for the Premier's Office and staff of the Public Service Board were transferred to the Chief Secretary's Department (VA 475). In 1928 responsibility for the Premier's Office was transferred back to the Department of the Treasurer, however the staff of the Public Service Commissioner (as the agency was known at this time) did not transfer to the Department of the Treasurer until 1936. Staff were transferred to the Department of the Premier (VA 2717) in February 1937.

The Board was abolished under the provisions of the Public Sector Management Act 1992. It was replaced by the Office of the Public Service Commissioner (VA 3088).

Location of Records

For records of the Public Service Board see List of Holdings, 2nd Edition 1985, section 3.17.2 and list below.

Data time period: [1883 TO 1992]

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