
Population genetics of Zoanthid species from the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait

Australian Institute of Marine Science
Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)
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ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= genetics of Zoanthid species from the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait&rft.identifier= Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)&rft.description=A study of the population genetics of Zoanthid species in the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait. Variations in gene frequencies of allozymes and common proteins were used to estimate connectivity and dispersal between populations, and to determine their phylogeny (discrete species identities). Zoanthus coppingeri was studied in greater detail.In 1992-1993, 1261 samples of Palythoa sp. were collected from 2 backreef sites at each of 19 reefs (at least 30 individuals per site) and one site at Hope Island (analysis suggested that all samples were Palythoa caesia). Seven enzymes (GPI, EST-D, MPI, MDH, ME, PGM, HK) were used in the analysis. BIOSYS-1 was used to calculate gene frequencies and genetic variablity.355 specimens were collected from 19 locations 1992-1994. 7 species were identified (Palythoa caesia, Protopalythoa mutuki, Pro. sp.2, Pro. sp.3, Sphenopus marsupialis, Zoanthus coppingeri and Z. vietnamensis) form the samples. Gene frequencies at 13 enzyme loci (ENO, EST-D, GP, HK,LGG-1, LGG-2, LP, LT-1, LT-2, MDH-1, MDH-2, ME, PGM) were analysed. UPGMA cluster analysis was carried out and a phylogenic tree constructed for assessing genetic variablity. A taxonomic key was created for Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait Zoanthidae, as well as a table of diagnostic features for 10 morphological groupings of Zoanthidae and one species (Parazoanthus dichroicus) of Parazoanthidae.During 1992-1993, 319 samples of intertidal Zoanthus coppingeri were collected from Kissing Point, Townsville and 2 sites each at Cockle Bay on Magnetic Island and Low Island (Low Isles). Six polymorphic enzymes (ENO, MDH, EST-D, HK, PGM, LGG) were used in the analysis at site level, subsite level and locality level. Values of genetic differentiation were calculated. To estimate connectivity and dispersal between populations, and to determine discrete species identities.To examine patterns of clonal structure within populations of Z. coppingeri. Collection locations: 11087, 11102, 21299, 21491, 21551, Border Island, Bowden, Cape Cleveland, Cockle Bay (Magnetic Island), Endeavour, Goods Island, Heron Island, Hope Island, Hyde, John Brewer, Kissing Point (Townsville), Low Isles, Mabuiag Island, Magnetic Island, Myrmidon, Orpheus Island, Pandora, Pelorus, Pith, Rib, Ross, Ruby, Stucco, Tuesday Island, Turtle, Wistari Reefs.Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlanned&rft.creator=Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) &; southlimit=-24.5; eastlimit=153; northlimit=-9.0&rft.coverage=westlimit=131; southlimit=-24.5; eastlimit=153; northlimit=-9.0&rft_rights= Graphic&rft_rights=Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Australia License&rft_rights= Text&rft_rights=Use Limitation: All AIMS data, products and services are provided as is and AIMS does not warrant their fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. While AIMS has made every reasonable effort to ensure high quality of the data, products and services, to the extent permitted by law the data, products and services are provided without any warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of title, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. AIMS make no representation or warranty that the data, products and services are accurate, complete, reliable or current. To the extent permitted by law, AIMS exclude all liability to any person arising directly or indirectly from the use of the data, products and services.&rft_rights=Attribution: Format for citation of metadata sourced from Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in a list of reference is as follows: Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS). (2009). Population genetics of Zoanthid species from the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait., accessed[date-of-access].&rft_rights=Resource Usage:Use of the AIMS data is for not-for-profit applications only. All other users shall seek permission for use by contacting AIMS. Acknowledgements as prescribed must be clearly set out in the user's formal communications or publications.&rft_rights=Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Australia License Access the data

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Use Limitation: All AIMS data, products and services are provided "as is" and AIMS does not warrant their fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. While AIMS has made every reasonable effort to ensure high quality of the data, products and services, to the extent permitted by law the data, products and services are provided without any warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of title, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. AIMS make no representation or warranty that the data, products and services are accurate, complete, reliable or current. To the extent permitted by law, AIMS exclude all liability to any person arising directly or indirectly from the use of the data, products and services.

Attribution: Format for citation of metadata sourced from Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in a list of reference is as follows: "Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS). (2009). Population genetics of Zoanthid species from the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait., accessed[date-of-access]".

Resource Usage:Use of the AIMS data is for not-for-profit applications only. All other users shall seek permission for use by contacting AIMS. Acknowledgements as prescribed must be clearly set out in the user's formal communications or publications.



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Brief description

A study of the population genetics of Zoanthid species in the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait. Variations in gene frequencies of allozymes and common proteins were used to estimate connectivity and dispersal between populations, and to determine their phylogeny (discrete species identities). Zoanthus coppingeri was studied in greater detail.In 1992-1993, 1261 samples of Palythoa sp. were collected from 2 backreef sites at each of 19 reefs (at least 30 individuals per site) and one site at Hope Island (analysis suggested that all samples were Palythoa caesia). Seven enzymes (GPI, EST-D, MPI, MDH, ME, PGM, HK) were used in the analysis. BIOSYS-1 was used to calculate gene frequencies and genetic variablity.355 specimens were collected from 19 locations 1992-1994. 7 species were identified (Palythoa caesia, Protopalythoa mutuki, Pro. sp.2, Pro. sp.3, Sphenopus marsupialis, Zoanthus coppingeri and Z. vietnamensis) form the samples. Gene frequencies at 13 enzyme loci (ENO, EST-D, GP, HK,LGG-1, LGG-2, LP, LT-1, LT-2, MDH-1, MDH-2, ME, PGM) were analysed. UPGMA cluster analysis was carried out and a phylogenic tree constructed for assessing genetic variablity. A taxonomic key was created for Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait Zoanthidae, as well as a table of diagnostic features for 10 morphological groupings of Zoanthidae and one species (Parazoanthus dichroicus) of Parazoanthidae.During 1992-1993, 319 samples of intertidal Zoanthus coppingeri were collected from Kissing Point, Townsville and 2 sites each at Cockle Bay on Magnetic Island and Low Island (Low Isles). Six polymorphic enzymes (ENO, MDH, EST-D, HK, PGM, LGG) were used in the analysis at site level, subsite level and locality level. Values of genetic differentiation were calculated.
To estimate connectivity and dispersal between populations, and to determine discrete species identities.To examine patterns of clonal structure within populations of Z. coppingeri.
Collection locations: 11087, 11102, 21299, 21491, 21551, Border Island, Bowden, Cape Cleveland, Cockle Bay (Magnetic Island), Endeavour, Goods Island, Heron Island, Hope Island, Hyde, John Brewer, Kissing Point (Townsville), Low Isles, Mabuiag Island, Magnetic Island, Myrmidon, Orpheus Island, Pandora, Pelorus, Pith, Rib, Ross, Ruby, Stucco, Tuesday Island, Turtle, Wistari Reefs.


Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlanned


Burnett, William J, Dr (Principal Investigator)
Ballment, Elizabeth R (Beth), Ms (Custodian)

Modified: 13 03 2024

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Other Information
Zoanthids (Anthozoa, Hexacorallia) from the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait, Australia: systematics, evolution and a key to species: Burnett WJ, Benzie JAH, Beardmore JA and Ryland JS (1997) Zoanthids (Anthozoa, Hexacorallia) from the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait, Australia: systematics, evolution and a key to species. Coral Reefs 16: 55-68.

local : articleId=2902

Techniques for allozyme electrophoretic analysis of zoanthid samples: Burnett WJ (1995) Techniques for allozyme electrophoretic analysis of zoanthid samples. AIMS report no. 20. Australian Institute of Marine Science. 30 p.

local : articleId=7051

Patterns of genetic subdivision in populations of a clonal cnidarian, Zoanthus coppingeri, from the Great Barrier Reef: Burnett WJ, Benzie JAH, Beardmore JA and Ryland JS (1995) Patterns of genetic subdivision in populations of a clonal cnidarian, Zoanthus coppingeri, from the Great Barrier Reef. Marine Biology 122: 665-673.

local : articleId=2617

High genetic variability and patchiness in a common Great Barrier Reef zoanthid (Palythoa sp.): Burnett WJ, Benzie JAH, Beardmore JA and Ryland JS (1994) High genetic variability and patchiness in a common Great Barrier Reef zoanthid (Palythoa sp.). Marine Biology 121: 153-160.

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