Brief description
This is the collection level record for the N.H. (Doc) Fisher Geoscience Library's 219 Papua New Guinea geological field notebooks. Digitised copies of the notebooks are being transcribed and validated by a dedicated team of volunteers from around Australia via the Australian Museum's DigiVol Citizen Science transcription platform. This project is being managed by Information Systems and Services Librarian Robert Blyth. The PNG field notebooks contain the geological observations recorded by Bureau of Mineral Resources and AGSO geologists during their field trips to pre- and post-Independence Papua New Guinea from the 1950s to the 1990s. Individual records for these notebooks are not yet available in eCat, but are in the Library's online catalogue (go to, click on Lists at top left and select PNG Field Notebooks). Processing of the image and transcription files is continuing, with the aim of making these available in eCat when this work is complete. The original field notebooks are held at the N.H. (Doc) Fisher Geoscience Library at Geoscience Australia, Canberra.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlannedNotes
PurposeDescribe the entire collection of Geoscience Australia's Papua New Guinea Field Notebooks
Created: 31 10 2017
Issued: 07 11 2017
Modified: 21 06 2018
Modified: 27 10 2021
text: westlimit=-45; southlimit=-90; eastlimit=160; northlimit=-60
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