Brief description
The Roebuck Basin on Australia’s offshore north-western margin is the focus of a regional hydrocarbon prospectivity assessment being undertaken by the Offshore Energy Studies section. This offshore program is designed to produce pre-competitive information to assist with the evaluation of the hydrocarbon resource potential of the central North West Shelf and facilitate exploration investment in Australia. The recent oil and gas discoveries at Phoenix South 1 (2014), Roc 1 (2015-16), Roc 2 (2016), Phoenix South 2 (2016), Phoenix South 3 (2018), Dorado 1 (2018), Dorado 2 (2019) and Dorado 3 (2019) wells in the Bedout Sub-basin demonstrate the presence of a petroleum system in Lower Triassic strata (Thompson, 2020; Thompson et al., 2015 and 2018). The current study aims to better understand this new petroleum system and establish its extent. As part of this program, a range of organic geochemical analyses were acquired on source rocks from the Roc 2 well with these data released in this report.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 16 07 2020
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Appendix 1 Roc 2 source rocks bulk isotopes (xlsx) [19 KB]
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Appendix 2 Roc 2 source rocks 13C and D CSIA linear alkanes (xlsx) [38 KB]
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Appendix 3 Roc 2 source rocks High Resolution GCs (zip) [1.5 MB]
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Appendix 4 Roc 2 source rocks biomarkers (xlsx) [232 KB]
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Appendix 5 Roc 2 source rocks geochemical summary sheets (pdf) [1.7 MB]
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Appendix 6 Roc 2 source rocks GCMS raw files (zip) [2.6 MB]
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- DOI : 10.11636/RECORD.2020.018
- URI :
- global : 5698824a-ebff-4515-a556-8b9e593c7287