Brief description
Australia - Offshore Minerals Act 1994 - Mineral Blocks - epoch 2014a. This service displays the Australian Mineral Blocks - Aligned with the current Australian Maritime Boundary Dataset. Refer to the metadata of the geodatabase for a detailed abstract relating to the data.Lineage
Statement: This version of the service is due to an upgrade in Geoscience Australia infrastructure and as a result the service name and/or layer names may have changed.text: westlimit=45; southlimit=-88; eastlimit=168; northlimit=-9; projection=GDA94 (EPSG:4283)
2014a |
Australia |
Earth Sciences |
Minerals Blocks |
Published_External |
Retired_Internal |
administrative boundaries |
geoscientificInformation |
web service |
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Other Information
Australia - Offshore Minerals Act 1994 - Mineral Blocks - epoch 2014a WMTS (OMA 1994 WMTS)
- URI :
- global : 05505b9f-23da-44b4-b145-4101232fdea5