Brief description
The outcrop extent of the Nulla Basalt Province, selected from the Queensland Detailed Surface Geology vector polygon mapping, March 2017.
© State of Queensland (Department of Natural Resources and Mines) 2017 Creative Commons Attribution
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededThe units comprising the Nulla Basalt Province were selected out of QLD Detailed Surface Geology - March 2017. RU_NAME in ('Allensleigh Basalt', 'Allensleigh Basalt,Qr-QLD', 'Anabranch Basalt Flow', 'Anabranch Basalt Flow?', 'Birdbush Basalt Flow', 'Hann Creek Basalt Flow', 'Hann Creek Basalt Flow?', 'Kangerong Basalt', 'Myrrlumbing Basalt?', 'Nulla Basalt Group-Qb', 'Nulla Basalt Group-Qb/v', 'Nulla Basalt Group-Qb?', 'Nulla Basalt Group-TQb', 'Nulla Basalt Group-TQb/v', 'Nulla Basalt Group-TQb/v?', 'Nulla Basalt Group-TQb?', 'Nulla Basalt Group-Tb', 'Nulla Basalt Group-Tb/v', 'Nulla Basalt Group-Tb/v?', 'Nulla Basalt Group-Tb?', 'Toomba Basalt Flow', 'Toomba Basalt Flow,Qa-QLD', 'Toomba Basalt Flow/v', 'Yates Creek Basalt') OR OBJECTID = 115069This selection of polygons was extracted, and a dissolve tool run to merge these thus removing internal boundaries. The resultant shapefile was reprojected to GDA_1994_MGA_Zone_55.
Issued: 24 04 2020
text: westlimit=144.50; southlimit=-20.25; eastlimit=146.35; northlimit=-19.30; projection=GDA94 (EPSG:4283)
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uri :
- DOI : 10.26186/133464
- URI :
- global : 2b46a52b-ee2a-4473-bac5-1df09c04a73c