Full description
Entries in these volumes are arranged chronologically by date of admission. The patient's physical and mental condition before, and at the time of admission, is described and the final entry for each case notes whether the patient was discharged, transferred to another hospital or died. Other details given include: age, weight, social condition, number of children, occupation, nativity, residence, religion, form of mental disorder, supposed cause, duration of attack, previous attacks, date of last admission (if any), treatment and summary of medical certificate. Notes are then made at irregular intervals on a patient's behaviour and condition while he remains in the hospital.(3/4651-97). 48 vols.
This description is extracted from Concise Guide to the State Archives of New South Wales, 3rd Edition 2000.
Created: 1877-01-01 to 1910-12-31
Data time period: 1877-01-01 to 1910-12-31
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