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These registers record the details of individuals who died while admitted to the care of Lidcombe State Hospital and Home [1927-1966] and Lidcombe Hospital [1966-1992].
Each death was recorded chronologically in a templated volume. The registers record: admission number; card number; name; age; religion; if a pensioner; date of admission to hospital; date of death; hour of death; ward; undertaker; where buried; when buried; trust account; ledger folio; officer's initials.
At the end of each month, a summary was created to show the total number of private burials, private cremations, government (public trustee) burials, individuals on a pension, bodies sent to the medical school, and trust fund (contract) burials. The Infectious Diseases Division of the Hospital also accepted children between 1936 and 1939. During this period, the volumes include a breakdown of how many male and female deaths were recorded.
Created: 1937-01-01 to 1982-06-30
Data time period: 1937-01-01 to 1982-06-30
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